Dream Big

Dream Big

Now this is not my normal looking post but it is by far one of the most special… just keep reading.

Because I see God in this picture
in every machine,
in every step of the way
hard work,dedication
when others told us “no”
we knew it would work so we kept pushing hard,
because having a goal and dreaming big was the only option.
this is my husband’s goal
but you see 21 years ago,
I said “yes”
and his goals became my goals
not always my thing for sure,
l’m a bubbles and sunshine kinda girl,
who came from the beauty biz…
the sweet lord had a since of humor I know,
to take me from the beauty industry
to well you can say,
we are the best in the worst kinda business,
and believe me this doesn’t always smell the greatest
my point is this,
you may have your life mapped out
planned out,
all the twists & turns
all the moments sweet & smelling great…
I did too BUT I have learned He doesn’t always give it to you in the way we want it,
he gives us life abundant
our dreams,
and accomplished goals
in even a better way than we ever imagined,
every dream we dream in some extra ordinary way keeps coming true .
we all have a sweet story to tell
whether big or small
sweet or smelly,
y’all stay tuned…
we are on this wild journey so glad to share and help other young entrepreneurs,
keep dreaming big however young or old believe me it will change ya…