Ol’ where do I start with this sweet one…
She is definitely my right hand, left hand and feet put together, the one that seemingly always keeps us all on course here at R & R Enterprises and makes our days run smoothly.

I can remember the day that Amanda came in for an interview. She was sitting across the desk from me and I was the nervous one for sure… but you know when you have that feeling when you meet someone that they are the right fit? Well before we even got through the first couple of questions we knew she was perfect for us and our company. We knew we were hiring someone that would work along side us loving our family, and we could only pray she would say YES and guess what… that has been almost 8 years ago… time flies when you are having fun they say-and we have had some FUN in this office for sure.

When you work with someone every day it’s like they are family. Our office is not the biggest space and with 6 phone lines ringing in, constant computer typing, and guys coming in for their work orders and routes this office can get LOUD 🙂 but somehow, someway, we have the best crew. God has blessed us with Amanda, she controls everything with the calmest voice and sweetest personality,
Just to name a few of the jobs Amanda does-the over seeing of all the invoicing for all the businesses-keeps up with all the land application for the North Carolina part of the business-over sees the Labor Day & Memorial Day flea markets (for that she needs a gold star)-employee payroll (this is one of her favorites)-orders all parts or anything for the port-a-toilet biz and anything else anyone needs. And that’s just a few of the things she does! I could go on for days on what all she does around here, she is a computer genius too, she is a very vital part of R & R Enterprise company. As you can see we are honored & blessed to have her.

Over the years we have seen Amanda grow in her life and her new family with a wonderful husband, Chad Lewis, and their 2 girls and 4 boys-a perfectly blended family. Amanda shows such grace and virtue, one amazingly strong woman, she has showed us how to show true love to those around you. She is not only BEAUTIFUL on the outside but a true beauty inside.

When asked her favorite and least favorite thing about working at R & R Enterprises?
Least favorite: “The occasional unhappy customer, but thankfully that doesn’t happen very often”
Favorite: “I love my work family, and I have the best bosses ever! I enjoy that my job consists of many different tasks. Most of the time it doesn’t feel like work. There is never a DULL moment at R & R!!!
We love you girl and so happy you chose us too. We are beyond BLESSED!
People like this are hard to find and even harder to keep. Sir Richard Branson advised employers to take care of their employees first and they will take care of your customers..
So so happy we found her
We are beyond BLESSED ❤️
I love this story about my work buddy. Cant1 say enough great things about her!! Rebekah did a pretty good job of summing it all up. She is definately a jack of all trades AND the master of ALL!!
Love this sweet girl to pieces ❤💕❤
Yes she is ❤️
And we all make a perfect TEAM
Love you girlie!!!
Love you too sweet lady ❤
Definitely have a great work force there! Love each one of you. Everyone is like family.
Love our work FAMILY ❤️
That’s one of my baby girls!!! I am so proud of her and all of her accomplishments! She is a wonderfully beautiful person…inside and out!!! She loves you all at R & R and I am so thankful that it is with you she is and has been throughout some hard times!!! You all are a very special group of people! Thank you for loving and caring for my girl! You are part of our family! We love you and your entire family! Amanda is a wonderful Mother, Step-mother, Daughter, Sister, and Friend!! Rebekah, you have started the water works here! Love you all so much!!! Couldn’t ask for better family for my children to be a part of!!!
We are so blessed to have Amanda & all her family too you guys are the sweetest and we love getting to share in each other’s lives ❤️ You have raised some great kiddos & we get to benefit from that for sure!!!
I have to agree . I knew the first time I met her she was special. She always has a smile on her face that is actually contagious !!! I love her family and happy for y’all that she said Yes. !!!
Yes we are so happy we have her beyond blessed ❤️
My mom is a hard worker, that’s for sure! I am glad she likes her job!
We are too sweet Tyler❤️
Thanks for sharing your precious momma with us!! She is definitely a hard worker!!!