Starting new projects
Painting an old piece to make it new
Trying new products on a creative piece
Finding a treasure in the rough and designing how to “redo” it in your own personal style is one of my favorites

Finding these whiskey barrel hoops at a little antique store…

Was the perfect project, I loved seeing them just hanging in the store, but I knew there was so much more we could do with them. So $20 later, we had them in the car ready for their new home 😉
Fast forward a year, yes I know my husband is always saying “where are we going to stick this or that” he loves me very much ❤️ I may have a slight hoarder problem “but hey” who doesn’t love a “junk lady”!!!
Most of the pieces we pick up look like they may need to go to the dump, ‘literally’ knowing they have a story. We just put them away till that perfect time to create the best decor/vintage design comes up for the piece. With these amazing rings I recruited my favorite helper, my sweet mama. She has been the one that has taught me that you can turn anything into something special with a little LOVE…

Seeing wreaths that I loved. Some I wanted more flowers, others less, so that’s how these beautiful creative pieces came together. We decided to design our very own original wreaths with these vintage/rustic barrel hoop rings

We started out just buying some bouquets at different stores, Burke’s, Wal-Mart and Target whenever they were on sale or clearance. Every bouquet had some pieces in them we loved, but we wanted to separate them, and place them where we wanted them. Making it totally rummage & restore style. My sweet mama is an expert at some flowers, so we started with laying the flowers all out and a HOT GLUE GUN (warning this tool can be addicting)

Gluing some one way, gluing some another way, we would hang it up to see where we needed to fill in the holes and before ya know it we had us one sweet wreath

We had so much fun with the first one, I talked her into helping me do just one more… not really she was already working on the 2nd one while I was photo shooting the first wreath!!!

Using a lot of the $3 dollar flowers we found at Wal-Mart in this wreath it’s so “spring time” and perfect for my front door

Loved creating pieces using old with new, and doing it with my precious mama is PRICELESS

We even had a few left over that we threw in an old crock for a perfect space filler/table decor ✨

You can’t use up CREATIVITY. The more you use, the more you have – Maya Angelou
Beautiful!!! ❤️❤️
Thanks so much❤️Love working with my sweet momma!!!
Love your sweet Momma. She had such a special role model in her Momma. You’ve been blessed to have two.
Yes mam!! Absolutely BLESSED ❤️
They are beautiful, and your mom is awesome your so blessed to have her!!!
Thanks so much❤️
My seeet momma is awesome love her so much
Blessed beyond!!!
Thanks for reading our blog
So sweet. Love you both.
Love you tons too😍
Love you ladies and love reading your blog!!!
Thank you sweet lady❤️We love ya bunches!!!
Beautiful, where do you come up with the barrel rings? Quick qustion, any ideas on refurbishing a vintage medical/ hospital cart on wheels? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much🧡
Got them at a antique shop in a bundle!!
So easy & fun too make!!