when answered prayers are not just answered they are answered in bright colors|
we have had some answers to prayer in our family big and small;
amazed at His mighty hands working on our behalf;
Remembering growing up at home with my brothers & sister,
My younger brother was persistent on holding a bird;
everyday he would say he wanted to hold a “yellow bird” that’s all he would talk about for the longest time;
My momma, who is the sweetest, finally told him too pray about it,
teaching my brother to ask not only to hold one but ask precious Jesus specifically what he wanted;
so that’s what he did everyday praying for exactly what he wanted holding a “yellow bird”
time went by…still praying;
Spring rolled around and we were outside playing;
we realized a bird frantically was flying around us making all sorts of noises;
we all stopped too see what was going on and that’s when my brother got his answer;
you see it was lesson day for some tiny “yellow goldfinch birds” leaving the nest,not knowing exactly how fly…
they all started trying to fly,
Wobbly at first;
then it happened. they started landing in our hands and clinging too our clothes;
we all saw answered prayer in living,bright color;
I don’t think that day was a coincidence and that all my siblings got to experience that amazing answer to my brothers prayer;
you see sweet Jesus knew all along we would grow up and have families of our own and that one day that answer to prayer needed to be our steady promise;
Keep praying,
Be specific,
In His time he will answer in bright perfect color…

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