Well hello sweet ones 💗
Starting out this week I had all the good intentions of posting and writing all about my Peru trip 🇵🇪

But…. it seemed like every time my mind, pencil and heart started to write God kept me going in one straight direction of the two women’s ministries we got to help in and lead while we were in Peru ❤️

Going to another country,
culture is totally different,
routines are different,
but in the end what I came to learn they are WOMEN just like us.
Some of those amazing women are heroes in my book literally:

they can fillet a fish in 5 seconds flat,
cut up a chicken faster than you can say “how many Solas?” ( which I wanted to try but decided against-I wanted to keep my fingers😂)

pick their fruit for the market to sell or get up and make hundreds of rolls, dozens of loaves of bread,

all this to support their families.
At the end of the day we are all alike, women who are raising our beautiful babies.
We may eat our food differently,
make our PB & J different-or even forget to put the jelly on (true story) BUT
we all have the same insecurities as women I’ve come to so realize:
worrying over our babies,
making the right decision and if we did decide the right decision worrying if we made the right one🤦🏻♀️
same joys, same sadness.
We may not all have the same worries or stress but know we all have them,
together just trying to make everyday count and keep our families going.
We are all women who need:
To Love
Be Loved,
and Support Each Other.
Women’s ministry was one of the projects we were told we were going to be able to be a part of and serve in. I was so excited for this opportunity because loving on people and making them feel good about themselves and just giving them the opportunity to have a “good day” was one of the ministries so close to my heart and I felt honored to serve. I was so preparing myself for just wanting to give them some JOY, a verse or word of encouragement… but to be honest with you guys I left crying every day. Yes it was happy cry but they ended up blessing me so much more❤️in the end! We helped each other
How??? I knew you would ask LOL
One… they meet you with a hug and a kiss on the cheek-that alone humbled me. They welcomed this little country girl into their little circle with such love and they wanted me to hold their sweet babies 👶🏽👶🏽👶🏽and that was pretty much one of the best highlights of my whole trip, one of my favorites!!!

They were so attentive and held on to every word you were saying…they were so eager to learn,
I actually watched many of the women scoot to the end of their seat just grabbing on to every word it was like they were trying to just record what we were saying, just soaking it all in. One of the sweet ladies from our team shared an amazing testimony of God’s Grace in her life ❤️and with that vulnerability it brought on a beautiful discussion that opened these ladies up to us. They shared stories that would break anyone’s heart but then stories of how God saved them as well as their families.

In the end they were so wanting to just talk and communicate and feel part of a group and they realized we were just as human as they were; fighting the same battles, having the same fears but we gave them a HOPE that they are not alone WE together can make a difference if we will just LOVE each other❤️, be that friend.

So today I want to give some HOPE encouragement to help you, mommas, sisters, aunts, sister friends, neighbors just an encouraging word to a sweet “woman”
Anyone who is reading this can use a smile, laugh, happy cry, pat on the back, or just a
This time of life is CRAZY every year with getting used to school schedules, getting back into routine, sports schedules, class schedules, work schedules just everything that is required of a woman at this time…did I say lunch packing? Can I add that twice? And for all you super-spiritual ones LOL!! yes I am thankful I have food to pack for my kids especially when I don’t have to go fillet a fish for them for lunch, but yes lunch packing can be taxing to just a small part of your routine of the day😂
Even writing this I was overwhelmed with fear how can I be an encouragement to anyone???
how can I spread joy???
how can I say this the right way???
Anyone with me???
Everyone has doubts and fears…
But I needed to write this as much as you may have needed to read these words❤️
I’m sitting on the edge of my seat wanting to help you!!
Even this morning one of my good friends sent me a song that was amazing, just what I needed, which showed me that she loved me today 😂❤️ She didn’t know I was writing this and I got a very sweet text from someone else that gave me the best encouragement and made my day. They had no idea I was writing this either. That is just two simple, positive, wonderful examples of just going the extra mile.
We are all facing lots in this here world but know that just listening to someone,
being vulnerable
being a friend
being YOU
giving them a word of encouragement,
showing them you care can
change their moment which leads to changing their hour, to their day and their year.
We are all human…
One tweet, phone call, comment, note, text or social media comment – can reduce us from a major high to a very low
even though you may have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed,
you have 5 loads of laundry to do and 10 to fold (and you forgot the one in the wash machine so you have to re-wash again)
Your fruit turned brown this week before you ate it…(am I the only one🍌😂)
you were late for work because your coffee spilled everywhere….
It’s OK
We are in this together,
Let’s walk together
Encouraging each other
Just Love on some one today
It will change your life, your thoughts & your attitude✨
Give them that hug 🤗kiss on the cheek
Show them “you got this”
Today is truly one of a kind. It won’t be repeated❤️sweet ones,
This amazing lesson learned this summer, for me going around the world for a missions trip, showed me that no matter what
being a woman is a powerful thing
We all have different callings, careers and if we are just vulnerable, realize our WORTH, keep learning, keep growing WE CAN LEARN A LOT FROM EACH OTHER!!

Be the GOOD✨
You are the GOOD that you write about!! So blessed to have met you and be a part of this team!! I miss you and I love you!!! ❤️❤️
❤️blessed to call you friend & so thankful for our sweet jungle team!!
Miss you too we need to get together soon!!
This is awesome❤️❤️